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Energy Savings Scheme in NSW

The NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) is a government initiative that provides financial incentives to households and businesses to install energy-efficient equipment and appliances. The scheme was established in 2009 under the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995.

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Benefits of the Scheme

The ESS has been successful in delivering energy and bill savings. Between 2009 and 2022, the scheme supported projects that will deliver 48,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy savings by 2033. As of December 2022, the scheme has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 23 megatonnes.

Future Goals

The ESS has set more ambitious targets to unlock additional energy efficiency opportunities in NSW. The energy savings target is 9.5% in 2023, increasing to 13% by 2030. This will help make emissions abatement available at a lower cost to NSW households and businesses, as well as helping NSW to reduce emissions by 70% by 2035 and achieve net zero by 2050.

How 4Eva Energy Can Help

As an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) recognised under the ESS, 4Eva Energy is well-positioned to assist commercial businesses in leveraging the benefits of the scheme1. We provide comprehensive guidance and support to businesses looking to reduce their energy consumption and benefit from the financial incentives offered by the ESS1.


Our services include the installation of new energy-efficient equipment or modification of current systems. We work with a wide range of equipment and processes, including lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, motors, fans and pumps, compressed air systems, refrigeration power systems, hot water and steam systems, furnaces, switching to new fuels such as biofuels, biogas and other renewable sources like solar, and irrigation2.


We calculate the potential energy saved with a proposed upgrade, which is then converted into Energy Saving Certificates (ESC’s). These ESC’s are used by 4Eva Energy to subsidise the supply and installation of energy efficient solutions recognized on the ESS. The more energy saved, the greater the return2. With 4Eva Energy, businesses can not only reduce their energy consumption but also improve their bottom line.


Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable future.

Contact us today and discover how 4Eva Energy can help you reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint.

14 Leighton Place Unit 2 Hornsby NSW 2077

1800 438 267

Electrical Contractor:   197497C

Plumbing:   R6718

Air Conditioning:   L200584

Refrigerant Handling:   L020685

Solar & Battery:   A3766026

PMVA:   PMVA-7378824346DK

ABN:   77106309344

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