Company Since 2010

Commercial solar panel installation with 4EVA Energy

Commercial buildings, such as schools or shopping centres, experience high foot traffic throughout the day and require massive amounts of electricity to operate. Many business owners have since installed commercial solar panels to use this to their advantage and save on costs. 

Commercial solar panels allow businesses to generate their own electricity, which can be run through everything from lights to computers. 4EVA Energy has extensive experience in commercial solar panel installation and can help businesses reach their solar goals.

Our Location

14 Leighton Place Unit 2
Hornsby NSW 2077

About Us

How do commercial solar panels work?

Similar to residential solar panels, commercial solar panels absorb the sun’s rays during the day and convert them into a direct current (DC). The solar inverter converts the DC into an alternating current (AC). This electricity can be run through everyday appliances. 

Commercial solar panels are also low maintenance and require little upkeep. Depending on how invested you would like to be in your panel’s generation, business owners don’t have to constantly check in on their electricity supply and can review their data whenever they like. 

Over time, your panels may also start to have a build-up of dust and other debris. As part of our service, our commercial solar installers will also provide a maintenance schedule to ensure they remain working optimally. 

Why Choose Us

How do commercial solar panels differ from residential solar panels?

While residential and commercial solar panels may look similar, there are a few key differences between the two. This is because commercial solar needs differ from residential properties in terms of generation and ROI. 


As commercial buildings are drastically bigger than residential homes, the amount of solar panels needed to generate electricity is higher. The kWh amount to produce enough electricity also jumps, requiring larger systems that can handle this generation level.

Comprehensive data

To ensure commercial properties maximise their panels, we gather interval data of your building’s electricity consumption. From there, we can determine when consumption is at its highest and recommend a system that best benefits your building. 4EVA Energy builds your solar panel system based on how occupants use your space.

No feed-in tariff option

Business owners cannot sell any excess renewable energy back to the grid. Instead, you must shut off the inverter to prevent excess solar generation.

Our Installation Process

4EVA Energy wants to get you up and running as quickly as possible. Our commercial solar panel installations can be completed in a day with your panels working immediately. Soon after our installation, it won’t be long until you notice a reduction in your power bills!

We are big on building long-lasting and impactful relationships with our customers. We aren’t here to make a quick buck — our customer-focused service means we always have your best interest at heart.

During our initial consultation, we will recommend the best system for your circumstances and walk you through our solar power system prices. We will also inform you of any Government rebates and schemes you may be eligible for, which can lower the cost of your installation. We secure and claim these rebates on your behalf and apply them to your quote, saving you the hassle of sifting through time-consuming paperwork.

Once your installation is complete and you begin using your panels, we closely monitor your energy use and provide insights on how well your system works and how you can get smarter with your consumption — lowering your power bill even further! We can also upgrade other areas of your building, like installing a solar heat pump or recommending energy-efficient lighting.

Best Renewable Company

Why you should choose 4EVA Energy for your commercial solar investment

Finding the best commercial solar panels in Sydney starts with 4EVA Energy. Our highly qualified team have been in the solar industry for more than 20 years and will work with you to ensure you get the maximum value out of your panels. We’ve been a part of many commercial solar projects, helping schools, shopping centres, and other major buildings go green with their energy. 

We only send in certified and skilled tradespeople to complete our projects, so you can rest easy knowing your building and investment are in good hands. If you would like to learn more about commercial solar panels in Sydney and how they can benefit your business, schedule a meeting with us today.

Book A Meeting With 4EVA Energy And Unlock The Benefits Of Energy Independence.

Reduce your energy costs and switch to a greener and cleaner energy solution today.

